About the episode
Welcome to episode number 14 of Entrepreneurial Outlaws. We made it through this year and this tomorrow is January 1st of 2021 (if you’re listening in real time), and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. A lot of people will tell you not to look back, but I think if there was ever a time to look back and reflect, this is it. If you don’t look back, if we don’t reflect on the past year or even the past few years, sometimes we continue with the same intentions, the same energy, and maybe those things aren’t working for us. Maybe those things are kind of routine cycles, rituals, things that we continue to do, even though they’re no longer serving us.
I’ve been thinking a lot about where I was 12 months ago, what my high high expectations were for this year and the reality is many of us had high expectations of 2020 because it was a new decade. Truthfully, 2020 has kind of blown my expectations out of the water. Of course, nothing unfolded in the way I had expected, but there are so many things when I speak to clients and students that have happened this year that have silver linings to them.
As we are heading into 2021, there is definitely a time for reflection and intention setting. So, during the episode today I’m going to be sharing with you four journaling prompts that I have been using to really help me get clear on my intentions for 2021 and I hope they help you, too.
Topics discussed in episode #14

Topics Discussed:
- Being grateful for the silver linings of 2020
- Setting intentions rather than goals
- Melanie’s word(s) for 2021
- 4 journaling prompts that will help you plan and reflect for 2021
- Why we have to talk about money in a very transparent way
- Why you should focus on growing deeper instead of wider
- A reminder that you can have multiple streams of income
- Learning to let go of control and be okay with changing our minds
- Trusting you are exactly where you need to be
- Training yourself to not listen to your inner critic
Episode Resources:
Connect with Melanie here:


Hey friends, welcome to episode number 14 of Entrepreneurial Outlaws. If you're listening to this in real time, happy new year's Eve. It's the 31st of December, 2020. We made it through this year and this tomorrow is January 1st of 2021. And I've been doing a lot of thinking, you know, somebody who will tell you not to look back. I think if there was ever a time to look back and reflect, this is it. But if you don't look back, if we don't reflect on the past year or even the past few years, sometimes we continue with the same intentions, the same energy, and maybe those things aren't working for us. Maybe those things are kind of routine cycles, rituals, things that we continue to do, even though they're not longer serving us. And I've been thinking a lot about where I was 12 months ago, what I was my high high expectations on this year.
And the reality is many of us had high expectations of 2020, because it was a new decade, right? It was a new decade. It is a new decade. And so we had these expectations and in some way, or another 2020 has kind of blown my expectations out of the water. Of course, nothing unfolded in the way I had expected, but there are so many things. When I speak to clients, students, MIT, there are so many things that have happened this year that have silver linings to them. And so, as we are heading into 2021 is definitely a time of reflection and intention setting. I'm going to try and use the word intention rather than goal during the episode, but today's episode, I'm going to be sharing with you. Four journaling prompts that I have been using to really help me get clear on my intentions for 20, 21 last week.
I shared with you all of the things I didn't achieve. Some of them, I did, some of them look different, but there was a lot of good this year in amongst the chaos, there were silver linings. There were things that came out of this that maybe I wouldn't have made time for, or perhaps they wouldn't have seen this year, certainly encouraged me to slow down. And I think it has had such a profound effect on many of the people I work with because we've learnt so much about ourselves. So with things this happened this year that we didn't, we just didn't even comprehend. And then there were things that we didn't know we could do, right? I mean, I don't know whether you've experienced that this year. I would love to know if you have, you know, what has 2020 taught you about yourself? The things you didn't realize you could do, right?
So as you have been reflecting and saying with this year, whether you have already thought about next year, or it's not even on your radar, I hope that you can take these four journaling prompts, these conversation starters, grab yourself a notebook and a pen, and either sit as you're listening and go through these questions, sit with the thoughts and, and really uncover and unpack some of these, these things or listen, and come back to the episode. I'm also going to be posting over on Instagram. I'm going to be posting a little square. That's going to have these questions. It's going to be challenging you. So make sure you go over to Instagram. If we know already friends over that, come over and say, hi, my Instagram handle is in the show notes, but it is Melanie underscore nights, 87, come over and say, hi, give me a follow.
Say, Hey, send me a DM. I love, I love getting DMS from people who are like, Oh my God, yes. I listened to that episode. And it really resonated with me. And the reason I love the reason I love seeing those comments and messages is because for me, just one person listening to this episode, one person getting something from it. It's like, my job is done. I'm like, that's, that's great. If more than one person gets something from it, then I'm exceeding all my own expectations. So it's incredible. So thank you for coming on this journey with me in 2020, we have some big things planned for 2021, lots of big goals, big vision. My words, my, my kind of my vision and what's for 2021 are expensive visibility, right? That is my vision and intention for 2021, both personally and professionally. And the reason it's those two things is I'm not as visible as I could be, right?
There's definitely a level of comfort of safety in my work. And this year has been the opportunity to kind dip my toe in the, in the possibility of, of what it could look like if my business was to have even a greater impacts in more and more lives in more ears and with worldview. So expansive visibility is, is just coming up a lot. As I have jet old meditated, as I have sent myself folk some messages, which I do frequently, I, I love books are, and I just send myself messages all the time. Like, Oh, here's a thought, Melanie, you need to, you need to come back to this and expensive visibility. It's just, it's, it's what it's going to be all about. And I'm going to be saying with that, as we open up the Outlaws, my six month mentorship for small business owners, entrepreneurs, creatives, folks who identify as Mavericks in that field, in that industry, in that possible and professional life.
People who have felt like they don't quite fit in, in the online space. This is a place of community collaboration, engagement. It is a place where we will be coming together. And these questions that I'm going to be sharing with you today, these journaling prompts, this gives you a little taste, a little idea of the kinds of conversations we will be having inside of the Outlaws because this mentorship is all about facilitated. And self-inquiry, I introduced you to the mentorship a couple of weeks ago. And let me tell you, in the last two weeks, I've had a huge amount of clarity around what it looks like, and we're gearing up and getting ready to open the doors as it were, right. I hate that phrase, but we are going to be giving you more information, sharing more about the mentorship in January, and really just inviting you to make the best decision for yourself. And if you want to be a part of this community for the next six months, you will have the opportunity to do so. So make sure you stay tuned for our January episodes, because they're going to be focused on how we create intentional businesses, what it means to be an outlaw, what is the outlaw energy? And it's going to be really great. So let's get into today's episode. Let's dive into these four journaling prompts that are going to help you plan and reflect the 20, 21
Okay. So the fast journaling prompt, the first question that I want to focus on, it's all around money, money, money, money. We've talked about money before. And this show back in episode, I was going to do one of those cool things, right? Knew exactly which episode it was. And I don't know. I want to say episode 10. Anyway, we talked about anti six figures. I'm going to drop it in the show notes because I cannot remember, but we talked about anti-sex figures. We talked about six figure businesses. And what that really means, if you haven't listened to the episode, make sure you give it a lesson afterwards, but I want to talk about money because the reality is we're running businesses. We are running businesses. And if we don't make money in our business and we do just have a very expensive hobby, because whether it's time or energy, we are giving up well, all financial right or money for this time, energy or money.
If we're investing those things into our business and when not getting paid for the work we do well, that can be a problem, right? Let's just be very realistic about this. We have bills to pay, but some of you, your business may be a side hustle, but some of you, it may be a full-time full-time professional career. That's what it is for me. And so making money is something we need to talk about, right? We need to talk about money, money. We need to talk about money, but we need to talk about it in a very transparent way. Not just focusing on making six figures last week, I shared with you that my goal for 2020 was to make $30,000. I thought that was really interesting, as I mentioned, because every year prior to that had these big glorious goals, which I'm going to be just really honest with super unrealistic.
They were unrealistic because I wasn't making enough money to even match my previous income, let alone making six figures or multiple six figures. I'm not turning it down, but it wasn't realistic. So I think one of the things that happens when we start to look at financial goals, right? And I encourage you not to just pluck numbers out of thin air, not look at arbitrary numbers, looking at being able to pay your bills and have some extra money. That's a really great place to stop. Let's just be honest. But the question I want you to look at, right? Instead of saying to yourself, I have to make more money than I did this year, right? Forcing ourselves to get into the spin of, we have to make more. We have to do more. We have to be more. We have to make more. It has to look this certain way. I want to ask yourself this question. How can I make the same amount of money and work less, right? I'm going to repeat that. How can I make the same amount of money and work less? Okay.
That question has been on my mind. That is definitely my train of thought my energy heading into this year. How do I match my income? But what glass that's that's that seems like a really great goal. That seems like you're really great intention, right? And the reason it feels really good to explore that question is because this year 2020, we haven't been able to travel. Do you send things that maybe we had on we had on the agenda? Maybe we had things planned. Well, we love to travel. I love to travel. I love to visit my friends who live thousands of miles away. And I can't see them very often. I love to be able to do that. I love to be able to go and experience other places, really relaxed with my family. I suddenly learnt how to do that at home this summer.
But the reason this question came up was I worked full out from much until November. I did not take a full day off until I got sick in November and was forced to stop. And I knew it wasn't great. I knew it was unhealthy. I knew it wasn't, I wasn't enjoying it, but I couldn't see how to slow down. And so when I was forced to stop and rest and my business carried on going and things carried on ticking along, I realized that, Oh, I don't need to be doing quite so much. I don't need to actually be quite so involved. And it also made me look at where am I wasting time each day? Because how am I filling my days? Because I'm doing this work in an hour at the moment. And so we wanted to explore the idea of why King last, next year and that, or working on new projects. Right? So the me, my vision is expensive visibility. I want everything to feel deep, right? Everything is going to go deep wide. We're going to look at all the opportunities. And another question that kind of secondary question you can ask yourself is, do I see myself? Do I envision making all of my income in one place? Right? Big, big question. Do you see yourself? Do you envision making all of your money from one place, one income stream?
Because I feel as though there is this pressure, when we price our products or programs, our arts, whatever it might be, we price our work. There is this pressure to do so in a way that it's going to be our only income that everything we create has to, we have to consider that being our only income, especially if you are coaching or mentoring, but do you really envision that? Do you envision that you're only doing one thing or is your business model expensive? Do you want to have the time and the energy and the space to explore new projects? Do you want to ensure that your schedule, whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly allows you to make decisions on the fly?
Right. So that is the fast thing. We're often looking at it from a place of, I have to make more money than this year, right? Growth, growth, growth. But maybe you can ask yourself, how can I make the same amount of money and what class, or maybe you want to explore new projects, different opportunities. Right. Get really expensive for that question. Okay. The second thing we're going to focus on is planning over the last couple of years in my business, I have become known as strategy, batching planning. That is what I became known for. And that's okay. That was intentional. It's no one else's fault. I did that on purpose, but a lot of this year has thrown our plans out of the window. I've had a lot of people come to me because they need more structure.
Or at least they feel as though they want a need more structure. And so often we, we feel out of alignment with something in our lives and we put structure in place. We tell ourselves the stories I'm use. I'm rubbish with my time I, to be more scheduled, I need to be more strategic. I need, I need another strategy, a better plan. I need to just be more focused, less distracted, right? There's this narrative that we tell ourselves it's very negative. And it's, it's often, it's often deeper than we realize. It's often stories that we're telling ourselves though old, and maybe aren't true or maybe were true at some point. But we often at this time of year and I have, I have had courses and programs. Some of you may have even been a part of those where I have looked at planning out a year of content, planning out a month of content, 60 days, 90 days, whatever it might be planning out content in advance.
Sometimes it is wonderful to have a plan. It can be wonderful to have a plan, but our planning needs to be flexible. Again. If anything, this year we have learned is that if we have too rigid with our plans, well, there are things that we can't control and that is going to tip up plans up. It's going to throw them up in the air. It's going to challenge us. And I, my hand is raised. I am a rule follower. I am a planner. I like to know right? Me and the universe have a frequent fight over the fact that I'm trying to control. What's going to happen next? How is this going to happen? How is this going to reveal itself to me? Right? We have a frequent fight and I usually go fine. You show me them.
And she always does. So instead of approaching, whether it's your content, your business, your launches goals, whatever it may be personal or professional. Instead of saying, I have to plan every minute detail out right now, white knots say our plan, as far as I can see, and I will allow the rest of the year to unfold. Right? What if you were to look at it from the point of view of, I can see the next month, I can see the next 60 days, maybe 90 days, maybe the first six months, but you can't see beyond that. Well, that's okay. There's no need to get frustrated and instead take what you can see, right? Take what you can really envision and plan those pieces out. Plan out what feels right, what feels aligned, what feels good.
Give yourself the space to say, okay, this is what I can see. I know this can, this can work. This is possible. Maybe you've done it before, or you've had validation on it. Maybe you've already been kind of working on it and unfolding it and then allow the gear to unfold. Because I have a feeling in six months time, we are going to be approaching some newness. We're going to be experiencing some transition. And if that is the case, again, our plans may get kind of thrown out. And the only way strategy and planning really, really, really works is if we have some flexibility, because like, especially if you are walking with other human beings, right? If you're working with other human beings, we have to allow the ability and the opportunity to pivot, to adjust, to make changes, comes back to giving ourselves permission, to change our God, their minds.
Something that in online business, we have been conditioned to not do, be consistent, be consistent. Consistency is all that matters. You will scale to six figures and beyond if you are consistent. The many of us, especially for those of us who are and pass highly sensitive, Dravet's for us, this feeling of consistency can feel really great in the beginning. But as soon as something feels out of alignment, as soon as something shifts, being consistency, being consistent for the sake of consistency is going to pull us so far away from our truths. And it's going to stop us from achieving that big, scary in 20, 21 and beyond because we then feel trapped. We feel trapped by our own planning, our own strategy, right? We get trapped there. Well, no, I have to do it this way because that's what I planned out. You don't have to do a thing. Right. So if you plan something out and it doesn't unfold that way, cool. That's fine. Permission to make changes, pivot, evolve. Okay. So that journaling prompts again, right. To explore. Instead of, I have to plan my entire year out. What about a plan as far as I can see, as far as I can envision and I'll allow the rest of the year to unfold, it's going to require some surrender.
If you just took a deep breath in, like I did the idea of surrendering. Nope. I like control. That's that's really scary. So just remember plan as far as you can see. And I should say at this point, okay, well, halfway through, we've got two more journaling prompts. I want to say just for a moment, it was maybe a working on that. And you're thinking about it. Come over to Instagram, right? Come over, join the conversation on my feed, where this post is going to live or come over to my DMS. If you want to have a more personal conversation about this, maybe you're struggling with like one thing. Maybe something's really sticking. And you're like, I don't know what to do. I feel really conflicted. Come over, like share it. Cause you know what, in my experience, when we actually send that message, even when we're writing out, we actually realized we already know the answer, the amount of voice messages I have sent this year, either to myself or to other people. And maybe I'm asking a question or I'm trying to figure something out, I'm feeling stuck on and I get halfway through the message. And I'm like, you already know the answer. You already know this. You're just asking for validation. That's okay. Right. That's okay. But sometimes we don't need that. Sometimes we actually already know and actually asking someone or seeking validation makes it actually challenges that makes them more difficult because you don't need someone else's thoughts or opinions.
Okay. So number three, number three, this is a big, a big mindset block. Something that we can often feel in the new year, in the first few months. I mean, we can feel at any time, but I think it definitely comes up at the beginning of a year. But those of us who want to take our goals, our intentions of vision's a little bit slower. And all we see is people kind of going full, full on into that. They're planning their goal setting. And so we start to see a lot of the posts around I'm going to achieve this. This is how much money I make. Like, and there's nothing wrong with that. Okay. It's fine. But for many of us who are not there yet, we're not ready or we want to be slower with it. We want to be, we just need to take our time.
It can feel like we're behind, right. It can feel like we're behind. I know that. So often in the past, I've spoken to two people who get to like March time and they already feel so behind in that business, they already feel so behind what they goals with their plans, with that content like this, it's this strange, it's a strange feeling where everyone seems to be planning goals, but then the people I speak to seem to feel like they're behind and felt like that I was having this conversation with somebody recently that in the five years I've been running my business, I have never launched anything in January. This January is going to be different, but I've never launched anything at this time of year because it's never felt right. It's always felt like a huge amount of pressure and hugely overwhelming. And I haven't felt prepared or ready.
And there's a whole number of stories that I could be telling myself that, but it just hasn't felt right. But I've always felt this pressure because I look around and everyone else seems to be doing it. And they seem to be doing it in this way. That's highly successful right now, but we can take that. However we wish because we don't know the truth because it's none of our business. And it's just what we see on social media or in groups and communities that were appalled. But I remember even last year, we'll start at the beginning of this year as it still divest December. I remember beginning of 2020, I had not planned to launch until I think it was the end of March. I was launching my membership and I was in a community and it was very kind of geared towards passive income and very geared towards, you know, hustling, you know, very much focused on hustling so that you could then make money in your sleep.
You know, that kind of narrative. One of the things I kept seeing was January is a great time to launch. And I was like, January does not feel like great times launch. And I brought my launch forward by a couple of weeks, turn out to be a good thing because I kind of wrapped it all up before everything went into lockdown. So I saw the, both the positive of that, but I also look at it and say to myself, you know, I definitely felt pressure. I definitely made those shifts because I felt like, well, everyone else is doing it. So I know that this new year can bring a sense of feeling behind. It can make us feel like we're behind with our content, with our goals, with our vision financially, whatever it might be. And so I want you to, this is more of a mantra, but you could certainly journal on this questions.
Like why do I feel behind whose expectation is it right? Whose expectation in business who's telling me that I'm behind, but the mantra I want you to really hold on to is I'm exactly where I need to be. Right? So instead of I already feel so behind focus on I'm exactly where I need to be, because you are wherever you are in your journey, you're exactly where you need to be. And you know, there's this saying, don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle, right? Don't compare your beginning to someone else's maybe you've been in business six months, a year, two years, five years. But you're comparing your business and your current reality to someone else's 10 years in business, right? Every single year we're in business, we learn so much about ourselves, about business, about what we want to do. And I really think that it's just different levels of growth for each of us. We're all learning. We're all on different paths, but we're exactly where we need to be. Right. Exactly where we need to be.
Okay. So the fourth journaling prompts is, is all around that question, boy, if right, this is something I know, I know so many of you probably are experiencing saying, asking, what if right? We set these goals and then there's this little voice, this little, this little who comes up is like, but what if right? What if Melanie, what if you don't achieve your goals? What if you don't make that amount of money? What if you don't have that kind of launch? What if no one buys, what if you don't get that many people, right? We know the narrative, we know insert whatever your voice is saying, right? This is, this is our inner critic showing up. This is our self doubt. Our inner critic showing up and the inner critic is a safety mechanism. The inner critic is a safety mechanism. They show up to keep us safe.
Right? Which I think for me, when I had this, the first time I was like, this is a really nice way of spinning something that can be so frustrating. My inner critic is very, very loud. And a couple of years ago, I was doing a lot of research around Enneagram and personality types. And I, I learned that so much of my personality is, comes back to this inner critic. And I remember reading the statement that said your inner critic is so loud that you often look outside of yourself, other people, and you cannot even comprehend that they don't have this same noise. And I was just like, yes, like that's it. I feel like sometimes I'm so alone with my personal inner critic because she is so loud. I have named her. She has an identity, but my inner critic is so loud. That's I can't understand the other people don't have this.
How, how do other people function in this world? And then not experiencing this same level of noise and critique and self doubt. So the, what if question comes up for all of us, but also let's just stop and remember that for each of you, it's going to look a little different, the level of noise that you experience the, the persistence of your inner critic. And it will also be dependent on what you're doing. Right? We could set 10 different goals. I don't think, I think that's a lot. Okay. Let's go with five. We can set five different goals throughout business or intentions for our business.
And you might have a little bit of a Wharf for each of them, but the person [inaudible] of that way, if the persistence of your inner critic and self-doubt could vary for each one, because maybe your financial goals, it's more of a, a challenge or more of a, a big, scary thing. Then having it, the launch where you, you get five new people or selling five paintings or selling five programs or whatever it might be. So the, the level of that noise, the decibel, the decibel level of that noise is going to differ depending on that intentional, that goal. But remember is, is a safety mechanism is your, your inner critic is trying to keep you safe. It doesn't want you to do big, scary. It doesn't want you to challenge yourself or step outside of your comfort zone. So when that, that w if I don't achieve my goals comes up, we can, at that point either believe and, and, you know, listened to it as a, a truth and say, okay, yeah.
Well, I'm not going to that. Okay. Oh, we can explore. Right. We can talk to the inner critic and we can say, well, sure, but what does it take to achieve those goals? I have this, and it feels really good. It feels really aligned. What, what do I need to do to achieve it? What does it look like? Because, and a critic speaks in truth, right? It's, it's binary. It's like, yes or no, you can do this, or you can't do this, but that isn't, that's not right how we set goals. Or at least we need to stop trying to set goals in that way. We need to stop trying to set our intentions in that way. Our intentions don't have to be binary. So instead, you know, and it's not actually, I'm going to stop. I was going to say, instead of what, if I don't achieve my goals, but actually when, what if I don't achieve my goals, or if I don't achieve insert your thing here, instead of that, say, I'll achieve what I'm supposed to. Right? You've set this intention. You've sat with it. You've given it deep thought. You know, that it's something that's right for you. So really there's no reason for you to not continue and try and look at what it will take and explore the options. But at the end of this year, when you look at reflection and look at, okay, you know, what things did I really want to tick off to achieve? What's on my bucket list. What's on my intention list for this year, remembering that you'll achieve what you're supposed to achieve.
So those are the four journaling prompts I wanted to introduce you to. I wanted to explore with you a little bit that fast one, how can I make the same amount of money and work loss? The second one about planning a plan, as far as I can see and allow the year to unfold. The third one, I'm exactly where I need to be. And the fourth one I'll achieve what I'm supposed to. So I wanted to kind of finish up today's episode with a, a challenge that I found myself in, as I was journaling these past couple of weeks.
And I thought it was worth exploring with you on the episode, because I, I often think, well, if I'm thinking this or feeling this, or put this story on myself, and I'm telling myself this and probably other people out too. So I was writing about this year and what I'm hoping to, or what I'm intent, what my intentions and my vision is for 20, 21 and beyond. And one of the things I realized, one of the stories I realized I'm telling myself is all around a condition, right? And putting a condition on my success. So I have talked about this a little bit before, but this year, amongst the chaos, there were silver linings for so many of us, we learn a lot. And one of the things that happened in my business is that it did start to grow. I had being very impatient for a long time, but I had also been persistent. I carried on going and everything started to grow. And I, at this point can say, I have a team of five incredible people who support me and my business and incredible ways.
But what I was telling myself is that this only happened because of COVID. This only happened because of lockdown. And I was telling myself that, well, yeah, if, if this hadn't happened, it wouldn't, it wouldn't have grown in that way. And I've been telling myself this for months, if we hadn't, if this hadn't happened, if we hadn't been stuck at home, then my business wouldn't have grown. I wouldn't have a team. I wouldn't be doing this podcast. It was all these conditions. And I, I felt it. And I, I could hear myself saying it and I stopped. And I was like, well, okay. But I don't know that to be true. This is the year that happened. I had no control over the year on folding in the way it did, but I had control of how I reacted. I had control of the decisions I made, the decisions I made, because any, even enough is in of itself, I could have decided not to hire a team. I could have decided to try and hustle.
I could have decided not to take on more clients. I could have decided to say no to the opportunities that were in front of me that had nothing to do with COVID lockdown, had nothing to do with that. That was, they were choices I have made to the purpose of this is to, to remind you, as you're looking at this year and planning for the following year, where are you telling yourself some stories? Are you telling yourself any stories about what this year has meant for your business or yourself? What does it meant for your goals? And do we know this to be true, right? Again, coming back to that binary. Yes, no. Do we know it to be true? Or is it just an example of a story that is trying to keep you safe? Because next year will be different because it's a new year.
It's a different, every day is a little bit different. There are things out of our control, but how we react to things, the work we choose to do the intentions, we set, how we listen to our intuition or not. Those are choices that we as individuals make. There are things that impact that. Of course there are external factors that impact all of these decisions. We are not all living in this kind of equal this equal opportunity. It's not, it's not the same for all of us. We live in different places. We have different responsibilities, we live different lives.
But I also want to encourage you to look at where there may be us, some stories, some things that are, you're putting some conditions on your success, either success you've already experienced or success that you want. I can only achieve X if I do Y right. We do that a lot. And sometimes it's completely subconscious because they're old things. So I've really enjoyed this episode, exploring these four journaling prompts with you. As I said, come over to Instagram, share anything you want around these, these four questions, or, you know, send me a message. If you want to explore them a little bit further, or if you're getting stuck with something, let me know. And as I mentioned, today's episode was really not just incredibly useful as a tool for intentions and visualizing for 2021 and beyond. It's also giving you some insights who, what we're going to be exploring and facilitating inside of the Outlaws mentorship.
And we're going to be doing that twice a month together, holding space for each other, and actually having opportunity to answer those questions privately, you know, in your own journal, sharing what it feels comfortable going to be building this community together. And I'm so excited to share more in the coming weeks. Next week's episode, we're going to be exploring what it looks like to run your business as an outlaw, right. And entrepreneurial outlook. What does that mean? Right. What kind of steps do we need to take? And I'm going to be breaking all of that down for you. We're going to be talking about kind of the outlook spirit, if it were so join me next week for that amazing episode, happy new year. And I cannot wait to see your goals and intentions come to life this year. Can I wait to hear from you over on Instagram?
And if you are interested in joining the outlier mentorship, if yoga is popular, like, Ooh, I need this. I'm interested. Go over to the show notes, click on our length of the outlaw manifesto. This manifesto. It gives you an idea of everything. It is about being an entrepreneurial outlook. And we're also using that as our wait list. So go sign up, get the manifesto. And next week we will be giving you all the details and all the opportunities to join us inside of the outlaw mentorship. Okay. Have an incredible knee as Eve an incredible new year. The rest of your holiday period, have a great week. And I will see you next time until next time Outlaws.